
Sunday, June 8, 2014

All white boat ride

Hello again, welcome back. Happy Tuesday, I hope you are having a wonderful day.
This is another post that is also well overdue it is totally not intentional. So after my bestie graduation that same night we attend an all white boat ride for her continued graduation celebration. It was extremely a fun filled night. From good food to dancing and raffles. I really wanted to win one of the laptops in the raffle but i was just not lucky enough smh.
Since that it was a late night boat ride staying warm is a must, so ofcourse I gravitate towards a pants. I had planned to wear this pleated top alone but then changed my mind last minute and added a button down long sleeve top. Adding color is like a reflex for me I cant help myself so I decided to do orange on the lips and feet. Thank you for taking the time to read. Muah!

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I appreciate all your lovely thoughts. I promise to read them all and try to reply to all. Thanks xoxo Shandy